
Which Work Is A Fresco Painting

A Glossary of Fresco Painting Terms and Materials

The tradition of fresco painting dates back to before the Early on Romans--but distinguishing between the many styles, techniques and materials can be a chip daunting. Here is a guide to some common terms associated with this venerable plaster painting technique.

david mayernik fresco christ

David Mayernik in front of his just-completed fresco of the life-size figure of Christ on the Cross.

Arriccio: the equivalent of the 2nd ("brownish") coat in a three-glaze plaster wall; the surface on which the sinopia is painted (see beneath)

Bozzetto: the pocket-sized-scale, full-color model for the fresco composition, oftentimes in oil or watercolor

Buon fresco: "true" or "proficient" fresco. Fresco means "fresh" in Italian, and a buon fresco is a painting into fresh plaster (finish coat of plaster laid on the wall that twenty-four hours)

Cartoon: from the Italian cartone, or large sheet of newspaper, it is the full-size drawing used to transfer the design onto the intonaco

Giornata: a day's piece of work—ordinarily most 8 hours, but can be longer—determined by the length of fourth dimension the plaster remains "fresh" and able to absorb the pigments when brushed on the wall. A large fresco is equanimous of many giornate, the seams between which frequently remain somewhat visible in the last painting

Intonaco: the finish coat of plaster upon which the fresco is painted. Composed of roughly one part lime putty and ane role aggregate (usually salt-complimentary river sand, merely as well pozzolana [volcanic ash], marble powder, etc.)

Lime milk: latte di calce in Italian, it is the limey milk that rises to the surface of a bucket of lime putty but can besides be fabricated by mixing lime putty and water. Can be used in fresco painting (it tends to lighten colors as it dries). Also used to brush on the sinopia and for lime-launder wall painting

Sinopia: derived from the name of a red pigment (sinoper) often used for this kind of painting, it is the outline of the last fresco painted on the arriccio glaze. Any pigment, in fact, tin be used, and it is applied with lime milk to adhere to the "dry" arriccio. The sinopia principally provides guidelines for the various giornate.

Read More: Buon Fresco Painting: Materials and Techniques

David Mayernik is a painter who works in oil, watercolor, and buon fresco, in addition to being a practicing architect and author of Timeless Cities: An Architect'south Reflections On Renaissance Italia (Westview Printing); he is an associate professor at the School of Architecture, Academy of Notre Dame.


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